Commercial Roofing


Leaky old roof? Wanting to boost your curb appeal for your home or business? First Choice Roofing and Construction specializes in residential replacements in Atlanta and North Carolina. We offer warranted leak protection on each installation. If the roof; however, is beyond repair, due to strong wind, heavy rain, or hail damage from a major storm, FCR Professionals will guide you through the process to receive a FULL REPLACEMENT through insurance at NO FAULT to you which means you get a brand new roof with no impact to your policy or premiums.

We offer a wide variety of Complete Roof Replacement options and GAF Lifetime Roofing Systems. Our roofing specialists will assist you in choosing which roofing system that will not only best serve you and your budget but also provide the Greatest Value, Performance and Protection to the

We know your home is one of the most important investments that you will make and deserves only the best. If you’re new to the roofing process,
you may have concerns about hiring the right contractor. Only 6% of Roofing companies get endorsed by a manufacturer. First Choice Roofing and Construction is proud to be one of them.

Getting a new roof is a huge project with long-term implications. First Choice Roofing and Construction is a GAF Certified Weather Stopper Roofing Contractor which means your roof will get done right – giving you peace of mind for years to come. We take great pride in offering you an honest analysis about a roof repair
vs roof replacement. The FCR team consists of and are trained by former insurance adjusters that specialize
in finding storm damage through HAAG inspection standards. Our inspectors will know exactly what kind of damage to present to your Insurance Company to ensure a full roof replacement. Let us guide you with making the best decision to protect home and family through the storms with our Free Damage Analysis. Your satisfaction and trust are of utmost importance.