COVID-19 Information

At This Time Your Safety Comes First.


Our thoughts and prayers are with the world today in this uncertain time, dealing with the COVID-19 situation. We, at First Choice Roofing, hope this finds you, your family, your friends, and the community in good health.

To Our Valued Clients

During this challenging time, many people have concerns about their public interactions. If you have a planned Inspection, roof build, or sales visit from one of our First Choice Roofing’s staff; we look forward to seeing you. We want to reassure you we’re doing everything we can to promote a safe and secure experience while completing any outside work to your home in the upcoming weeks.

As updates are provided on the COVID-19 virus, we will adjust and comply as necessary. There are many ways to continue to keep our small businesses thriving and we will exercise these methods accordingly.

Everyone at First Choice Roofing wishes you all continued health and safety.

Kindest Regards,
Ethan C. Morris – Owner